Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Czech video games expert Pavel Barák looks more closely at the current state of education and how it is influenced by the gaming sector. Based on a few examples of Czech video games, Pavel will review how they’ve been used to support some parts of the education process and have even, in fact, improved it.
More info at: https://bit.ly/2ThBEVc
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Science Café: Can a Machine Replace an Artist? With Daniel Sýkora
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Daniel Sýkora, the Professor at the Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction at CTU in Prague, presents many disadvantages of using neural network and its alternative, purely algorithmic approach that achieves significantly better results without using a neural network.
More at: https://bit.ly/2IfyHOY
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Science Café: The Wonders of Life with Zuzana Holubcová
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
The Czech embryologist Zuzana Holubcová discusses the fascinating processes occurring inside the human egg cell before and during fertilization, where human life begins. During her postdoctoral research in Cambridge, Dr. Holubcová studied causes of female infertility and described errors originating in the process by which the egg prepares for fertilization.
More at https://bit.ly/3adF6py
Wednesday Nov 06, 2019
Jacques Rupnik: 1989 and Today
Wednesday Nov 06, 2019
Wednesday Nov 06, 2019
An interview with a Prague-born French historian and a political scientist Jacques Rupnik taken during the 'The Other Europe: The Power of the Powerless with Jacques Rupnik, Tom Roberts and Richard Davy' event organised by Czech Centre London. More info at: https://bit.ly/2VFmNFg
Jacques Rupnik is a Prague-born French historian and a political scientist focusing on the history and politics of Eastern and Central Europe. He was educated, among others, at the University of Paris and at Harvard, is currently Research Professor at CERI-Sciences Po in Paris as well as visiting professor at the College of Europe in Bruges. He was advisor to president Vaclav Havel in the 1990’s, Executive director of the International Commission for the Balkans, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (1995-1996) and drafter of its report Unfinished Peace (1996), member of the Independent International Commission on Kosovo (1999-2000) and co-drafter of The Kosovo Report (Oxford UP, 2000). Among his more recent positions held, he was advisor to the European Commission (2007-2010), member of the board of the Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation in The Hague (2010-2017) and member of the board of directors of the European Partnership for Democracy in Brussels (2008-2013).
Cover photo by Fondapol - Fondation pour l'innovation politique - https://commons.wikimedia.org/